Why SEO Is Important: 6 Key Factors Any Business Owner Should Know - On The Map Marketing
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Why SEO Is Important: 6 Key Factors Any Business Owner Should Know

SEO is dead! 

Ever heard that statement before? Every year, it seems to have become a tradition to proclaim SEO as an outdated practice. Some even say things like that “SEO worked back at a time when little tricks like keyword density could easily con Google.” The implication being that this was all SEO ever did.

Now, we’re in 2021, and surely there has to be some basis to that assumption, correct? Have the benefits of SEO really become insignificant?

Before we really get started, perhaps, a bit of a disclaimer. It’s going to be a long post. But for those who like a condensed version here it is:

The death of SEO is a gross exaggeration.

For one, Google is constantly changing its algorithms, and anybody who tells you they “figured it out” is outright lying. 

Figuring out how the search engine’s crawlers exactly work is the Holy Grail for every SEO professional. 

Of course, based on their years of experience, they can anticipate changes. And it helps that Google is also quite upfront about the alterations that they make.

However, these changes run in the multiple thousands. For example, in 2018 alone, Google introduced more than 3,000 modifications to its algorithms. 

So, there is no master key out there.  

So why is SEO important?

Every second, Google takes more than 40,000 queries in 103 languages from all over the world. Every day, these questions total to more than 3.5 billion unique searches, which translates to 1.2 trillion queries annually.

Do you know how Google knows which websites will provide the most relevant results for the searcher?

Yep, SEO.

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Source: The Value of Google Result Positioning, 2013 

The graph shows that people usually find their answers within the first few websites they click from the search engine results page (SERP).

For example, the first five websites corner about 75% of the total web traffic for specific keywords.

You can probably get some scraps if you manage to land on Page 1 of Google’s SERP. Your luck drastically plummets when you are on Page 2. 

Getting traffic while on Page 3 is more like winning the lottery at this point. 

You might yet get lucky, but don’t bet your business on it.

Here is the short list of why you need SEO and why seo is important in 2020:  

1. It is still the best way to boost website traffic organically

Think of SEO as a proven best practice that will help drive traffic to your website. 

The internet is continually expanding. Presently, there are more than 1.6 billion websites.

The rest are languishing. No, rotting is probably a better description. 

Getting to the top of the SERP takes a lot of hard work. But everybody works hard, right?

However, those who are equipped with the correct tools and knowledge would have a distinct advantage in a level playing field.

Whether you are a small mom-and-pop store or a multinational corporation, you need SEO for business growth. The battleground for marketing has gone digital, after all. 

Who was it that said not to put all your eggs in one basket? That was not Col. Sanders, right?

Anyway, the point is that while SEO is the best way to boost your website’s traffic and leads organically, don’t dismiss paid ads.

A combination of both methods, referred to as Search Engine Marketing, will guarantee that you cover all grounds. And that cannot be a bad thing.

That brings us to the next point.

2. Diverse choices 

Investing in SEO for business provides the best value from your money because you can choose ala carte, depending on your budget. 

If you need engagement, for instance, you can make use of social media to interact directly with your customers. 

If you want to establish credibility and visibility, then blog posts with the correct keyword placement would go a long way in your digital marketing campaign. 

Apart from blogs, SEO professionals can also provide you:

  • News articles
  • Press releases
  • Whitepapers
  • E-books/e-courses
  • Case studies
  • Direct email marketing materials
  • Videos and podcasts 
  • Infographics
  • Slides
  • Newsletters
  • Social media campaigns
  • Testimonials and reviews
  • Q&As or FAQs

There is a whale of a difference between a technical writer and an SEO professional. 

Both may be skilled with words, but the latter knows the language that Google speaks: search engine optimization.

And that is why seo is important and why your business needs SEO.

3. It is cost-effective

One of the benefits of SEO is that you can save money compared to the Paid-Per-Click (PPC) method.

While PPC has its value, the effects are usually short-term. For instance, if you buy for 1,000 users, you know that your post will reach that number of readers. 

However, you will only pay for the number of times the users click on your link. So, if you have a product launch or an upcoming storewide sale, PPC would be your best route.

For a more sustained effort, you need to grow your traffic organically. It means you must be willing to do the grind.

Ultimately, SEO will deliver 20 times more in terms of traffic capture compared to PPC.

Also, technically, you can launch your SEO campaign even without bringing in an expert. 

However, if you want the most value for money or when you need to scale, investing in the expertise of an SEO professional is an excellent idea.

4. SEO does not sleep

Once you unleash your SEO campaign, it is out there in the ether, continually working even as you are sleeping. 

By the way, that is the value of having a digital address. You now have a storefront that operates 24/7.

People can still purchase an item online even if your physical store has already closed for the day. In the same vein, they can make reservations, bookings, or cancellations on your website. 

You also do not have to hire new staff to handle the additional workload since your traffic has increased due to your SEO campaign.

But back to SEO. 

The reason why seo is important is that it will handle the brunt of the marketing workload for a fraction of a price for PPC. 

5. SEO can help boost your leads and sales

Increasing your website traffic might give you bragging rights, but it is only one-half of the equation. 

Traffic alone does not increase your profits. You need to make sure they purchase your product or service.

One of the primary benefits of SEO is to put your website on the consciousness of your target consumers. 

Generating leads is simply the process of making your products and services attractive to your audience.

It starts with your website. 

You want your audience to subscribe to your newsletter, your email list, sharing your URL to their social media pages, link to your post, or buy a product.

This is another part of the equation: conversion.

Conversion is when your target consumers decide that they will work with you.

6. It helps build your brand

One of the reasons why people readily click on the first website they see on the SERP is credibility. 

They believe that Google will only give them the answer they need at that particular moment. 

But how do you stand out in an ocean of websites that claim the same expertise? 

One such tool used in SEO for business is link building.

The idea is to get other credible websites to link to your post. For example, if five or more distinct blogs recommend your restaurant’s beef casserole, Google will take note of it. 

Now, imagine what would happen if your local newspaper or a prestigious agency like The Wall Street Journal or USA Today will mention your main dish?

The giant search engine’s algorithm will then conclude that your beef casserole must be the best this side of town. 

So, when people are searching for the “best beef casserole,” which website do you think Google will suggest first?

In the same vein, you can also slowly prove your expertise through a series of guest posts on other websites. Visiting Reddit or Quora, and stating your piece will help establish your credibility.

The hyper-query nature of these social sites will guarantee that you are directly linked to your target customer. Just make sure to invite them to visit your website if they are satisfied with your answer.

Those are some of the reasons why you need SEO in 2020. However, this type of digital marketing campaign is not for the faint-hearted. It is a long-term strategy that will also guarantee sustained results. Unlike PPC, you might not see your website traffic skyrocket in the first few weeks. 

Also, you have to know that SEO is only a cog in a machine. There are other online marketing techniques to help boost your leads, conversions, and sales. But with a limited budget, you have to be smart about how you distribute your resources. 

An SEO professional will help you streamline your digital marketing journey, and make sure to optimize your ROI. It may seem overwhelming at first, but the path becomes significantly more manageable once you gain a foothold and increase your momentum.

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